Thursday, September 2, 2010

Stupid girls, Stupid drama.

Okay so , I am so tired of having to deal with HIGHSCHOOL issues. we are not fucking children anymore, GROW THE FUCK UP . I dont have time to deal with you and your stupid drama . YOU ARE THE DIRT on the bottom of my shoe, what you did , is absolutely disgusting and i statnd by it when i say that it was shady and gross. you say you did it just becasue you didnt like the girl ( for anyone whos reading this, a girl who was SUPPOSED to be my best friend pulled some shady shit and started dating another girls boyfriend before they had even broke up ALL THE WHILE knowing that he had a girlfriend . ) what reason did you have not to like her? because other people didnt like her so you have to be a pathetic little follower. your life is pathetic , nobody fucking likes you becasue you are a pathelogical liar. You make shit up to make yourself sound cool , when in all reality you just sound like a complete jackass , and i didnt call you out on it becasue i didnt want to embarass you in front of friends but now im kinda wishing i did. You sit there acting like your a fucking 13 year old , poking fun at my weight? SERIOUSLY? we BOTH KNOW how much you weigh and that it is FAR more than i weigh , so i would learn how to figure that shit out before you say it if i were you. And then telling me that you hope my life sucks? LMFAO you really have nothing better to do then sit there and try and make me feel bad... REALLY? ahah i LOVE my life and the fact that yours is SO PATHETIC that you have to try and bash mine, really makes me feel sorry for you. You are the apitomy of a DISGUSTING person. and trust when i say that karmas a big bitch and she doesnt care about you thats for sure. so good luck with your sad pathetic life at big al's beauty school around the corner .


So , I am completely disgusted with the last post that I put on here, so disgusted that i had to take it off. I don`t know what i was thinking back then but i can inform you that NO I don`t have ANY feelings for Aaron. I thought i did but i was SORELY mistaken. I cant believe i actually thought i did. My boyfriend is the only one for me , I would never compromise that relationship and i cant believe i even said what i said about aaron because i was completely wrong. He may be good looking, but he is NOT the type of guy i would EVER maintain a "flirtatious relationship" with like i stated before. He is a dog, a disgusting dirty dog and i dont want to maintain a flirtatious relationship with anybody besides my boyfriend, LET ALONE AARON . im completely grossed out with what i wrote and for anyone who actually read it, i am so sorry you had to read that . i feel stupid and ridiculous for writing something that idiotic on here, even though it is my blog, i honestly dont know what in the world came over me when i decided to write that. But let me tell you why i have a sudden change of heart. well not sudden, but you know what i mean,
Aaron , as i described him, is a man i work with. He works as a loss prevention officer at my work. He is extremely flirty and perverted. He is much much older than i am ( i`m turning 19, hes 26) and he tried very hard to get me to give in and hook up with him while i am OBVIOUSLY currently with my wonderful boyfriend . When i blatantly rejected him from his offer for me to go to toronto (if you read my other blog you know what im talking about ) by completely ignoring his existence, he took to making fun of my boyfriend and the way he dresses mainly because he is jealous. This started to cause a big problem with me and my boyfriend because he started to think that i had feelings for aaron , which , i would like to make this PERFECTLY clear because i was obviously dillusional before... i DO NOT and NEVER DID have feelings for aaron. I thought i did , but as i said , i was MISTAKEN. definitely. but anyways, this caused a big problem for me and my boyfriend because obviously he got mad that aaron was making fun of him and i didnt do anything about it. he basically told me that he wanted to fight aaron, and i told him that if he cared about me keeping my job , then he wouldnt do something stupid like that. he doesnt really understand that his actions have consequences .

basically i just wanted to make clear that i was retracting any and all previous statements in my last blog , becasue reading them now i feel like a full blown idiot.
