Wednesday, November 28, 2007

as i go on, another year older, i begin to realize how much ive underestimated the life i live. Its not always so easy to be happy, to fake a smile so noone notices. Sometimes, or actually, most of the time, life twists and turns and nothing goes the way you want. What a great way to end my 15th year, spending my entire night bawling my eyes out, over someone who wasnt even worth my tears, i hate how much weakness i showed. But those are the times when you truly realize whos there for you. and who just isnt worth it anymore. I lost myself in my imagination and fantasy, believing in something that i knew for a fact wasnt going to work, and i knew in the end i would come out hurt. I was right. I usually am about those things, but see, this is why i have best friends, ones that will call me because they know somethings wrong, ones that will go over how absolutely POINTLESS guys are. and how pathetic and worthless they are. just to make me feel better. Someone who once occupied my thoughts, is now just a memory, not even worth a breath of my air. And maybe its that im maturing, but im finally coming to notice that, im going to be treated like shit. As long as i have friends to help me get through it then i know i will be fine;
I have to learn to live my life the way i want to, not basing my entire day on making someone else happy.
Thank you so much for helping me through the rough,.
i love my best friends.

1 comment:

Elle... said...

awe! i love you baby girl!
its about bloody time you wrote another one though aha
and, you should really get through mine, its not THAT long : P