Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Time and again.

Lately i have been so confused about everything. Now that i am done highschool, and im not going to college until next year, i have so much free time when im not working. Real life is forming itself in front of me and im not sure if i am ready for it, suddenly im worrying about paying bills and moving out and getting my own appartment. Things that not so long ago were just mere dreams. Living at home is not going so well lately what with my moms boyfriend and i not getting along and just the things that i have to put up with. I enjoy working where i do because i like a lot of the people that i work with, but i dont want to be working there for too much longer. I want to move out of my house and in with my boyfriend because whenever im here i feel so much better and i just feel so much more free and i just love the idea of being an adult and starting my own life, but at the same time, ive obviously lived with my mom my whole life and the thought of moving out my house is a little scary. There are a lot of things that i have to think about before i make such a decision, especially the fact that i have a lot of financial resposibilities now . One of the only reasons that i was holding back on moving before was because i had my puppy to worry about and i would definitely miss him way too much to leave him, but then my mom went and gave him away. I was completely devestated , and he was really my only reason to stay besides my mom . Anyways, i have a lot of things to think about.

P.S your fucking pathetic bitch,

get a life.

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